Hello, I hope you are well, I hope you had a fantastic Easter time. We’re back at the coalface and loving it. Speaking of coalface, we have today a guest who is at the coalface of the legals of pension changes in Ireland.
We have a partner of a law firm and he specialises in pensions and what is going on with pensions in Ireland. And it is very, very relevant, indeed to everybody, but particularly those that have established net worth in pension pots.
We look at this from both a PAYE, so an employee’s perspective but also those who might own or run small or medium businesses that typically have Small Self Administered schemes or Executive pensions. So it hopefully answers a lot of questions for all of those individuals. So, I certainly do hope that this conversation with Stephen Gillick is helpful to you.
Stephen Gillick | Irish Business Law Firm LLP Mason Hayes Curran (mhc.ie)
The Pensions Authority - Welcome to the Pensions Authority