Welcome back to Ireland's award-winning Financial Planning Blog & Podcast, with me Paddy Delaney. Delighted you have decided to join me! This week we are going to explore an approach to retirement income planning that I mentioned months ago. It is customary for retirees in Ireland to decide to generate pension income by using either an annuity, or an ARF. In Blog113 we explored the pros and cons of both of these in isolation. However, as we like to look at things a little differently here we're going to dissect the merit or otherwise of using a combination of the two.
If you google it you'll find millions of results for articles and pieces outlining why an ARF or why an Annuity, but you might struggle to find one which addresses the topic we are about to! We will briefly summarise the probable outcome from using an ARF only, an annuity only, and only then will we analyse using a combination of both.
Paddy Delaney RPA QFA APA