Today I share some thoughts on holding cash, some saucy Central Bank of Ireland research on Irish households, and a warning about going all-in!
Aside from their regulatory role over financial services, Central Bank of Ireland share some really interesting research and reports. One such recent report was their 'Quarterly Financial Accounts' for Ireland.
For me, one of the greatest signals of our financial health as a nation is our 'Household Debt'. This rate hit a high in 2007 when it stood at €203BN. Working on the basis that there are c3.6m adults in Ireland this was around €60k debt for every man and woman over 18 years of age in the country!
That €203BN debt figure has fallen steadily since 2007, to €131BN in 2020, (€36k per adult) and now sits at c€120BN (€33k per adult).
Read on!