This week Paddy chats with Jason Parker. Jason is the author of Sound Retirement Planning, the host of the Sound Retirement Radio podcast, a frequent guest on ABC, NBC and Fox, and the inventor of the Retirement Budget Calculator.
Key talking points:
I hope you enjoy the conversation.
RBC - Calculator (
Ryan Holiday – Discipline Is Destiny
Ryan Holiday – The Obstacle Is the Way
James Allen – As a Man Thinketh
Randy Alcorn – The Treasure Principle
Brian Buffini Podcast It's a Good Life on Apple Podcasts
Choosing a Financial Advisor in Ireland is not an easy task! There are many different types of advisors, operating in different ways, being remunerated differently, and all delivering different services.
In this piece, I will share with you;
I hope it helps.
In this episode, Paddy has a great chat with Paul Merriman from The Merriman Financial Education Foundation in the USA.
The foundation is dedicated to providing financial education to those of all ages.
Paul shares his wealth of knowledge from decades of experience from starting his own Merriman Wealth Management after retiring to setting up his foundation.
Key topics covered:
I hope you enjoy this insightful interview.
Merriman Financial Education Foundation Lifetime Investment Calculator - Paul Merriman
Here are some helpful resources from The Merriman Financial Education Foundation:
Selecting of the appropriate amount of fixed income (Fine Tuning Your Asset Allocation)
Choosing the best fixed distribution asset allocation
Choosing the best flexible distribution asset allocation
The Merriman Financial Education Foundation
Free E-book from Paul - get it here We’re Talking Millions! 12 Ways to Supercharge Your Retirement or here Free E-book
Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich by Jason Zweig - Paul's book recommendation